Saturday, May 05, 2018

Education Research Methods Training


1. ALL individuals who are involved in research that involves human subjects at Buffalo State are required to participate in a training program

2. CITI Program New Learner Account Registration
  • a. Go to
  • b. On the homepage click on the "Register" button located in the blue log in box
  • c. Complete the registration form
  • d. Register using your Buffalo State email account
  • e. Be sure to select SUNY Buffalo State as the participating institution
  • f. Will you be requesting CME / CEU credits for the course(s) you are about to complete if the cost per course (4-6 credits) is only $80.00/course? Choose No
  • g. Human Subjects Research
    • (i.) Choose – Group 2: Social/Behavioral Investigators and Key Personnel
    • (ii.) Choose – I have not previously completed an approved Basic Course
  • h. You are not required to complete the other courses (e.g., Responsible Conduct of Research, IACUC, Financial Conflict of Interest, etc.); however, the courses are available to you for additional on-line ethics training.

The software will track your progress through your required and, if you choose, your optional courses. After each module you will be prompted to take a short quiz before moving to the next module. The software also provides a grade book which shows you which modules you have completed, the scores you received on each of the applicable quizzes, as well as the modules you have left to complete. You are provided the option to retake any quiz for which you receive a low score. An average of 80% or higher on the quizzes that follow each module is considered acceptable. The Buffalo State’s IRB Administrator will receive completion reports from CITI.
Link to Registration and Training

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