Wednesday, May 09, 2018

STEM Units of Instruction Created by Buffalo State Undergraduate Science Teachers

4th Grade Unit Created by Katlin S.
During the spring 2018 semester, preservice science teachers in a science methods course developed 4 NGSS aligned science lessons that focused on the following Next Generation Science Standards practices:
(1.) Practice 1 Ask Questions
(2.) Practice 8 Communicate Information
(3.) Practice 3 Carry Out Investigations
(4.) Practice 2 Develop and Use Models

A few of the students have chosen to share their work.  In order to view their lessons, look at the comment section of this blog post; you will find links to folders of their STEM units.

Related Links
Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices (A Summary)


  1. This STEM unit was designed for 1st-grade students to help them understand the functions of a leaf.

    Link to a folder of lessons

  2. Katlin Smith11:02

    This is a lesson sequence designed for fourth grade students to discover how Beavers affect the living environment around them.

  3. Tyler Boehm11:02

    This STEM unit was designed for 1st-grade students to help them understand the patterns of the sun in the sky.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This STEM unit was designed for first grade students to help them understand why a baby monkey and its mother resemble each other.

  6. Casey Garlick11:25

    This STEM unit was designed for second-grade students to help them understand how animals, such as squirrels, aid in the process of seed dispersal.
