Friday, May 18, 2018

Technology Research Resources

Angeli, C. (2005). Transforming a teacher education method course through technology: effects on preservice teachers’ technology competency. Computers & Education, 45(4), 383–398.
Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2008). TPCK in pre-service teacher education: Preparing primary education students to teach with technology. In annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City, NY. http://punya. educ. msu. edu/presentations/AERA2008/AngeliValanides_AERA2008. pdf.
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Beach, R., & O’Brien, D. (2015). Fostering Students’ Science Inquiry Through App Affordances of Multimodality, Collaboration, Interactivity, and Connectivity. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 31(2), 119–134.
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Bishop, J. L., & Verleger, M. A. (2013). The flipped classroom: A survey of the research. In ASEE National Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA. Retrieved from
Bruce, D., Yerrick, R., Radosta, M., & Shively, C. (2015). Affordances of Digital Video Editing among Prospective English and Science Teachers. In Video Research in Disciplinary Literacies (Vol. 6, pp. 41–57). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Retrieved from
Butz, N. T., Stupnisky, R. H., & Pekrun, R. (2015). Students’ emotions for achievement and technology use in synchronous hybrid graduate programmes: a control-value approach. Research in Learning Technology, 23(0).
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CLEMENTS, D. H. (2002). Computers in early childhood mathematics. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 3(2), 160–181.
Cuban, L. (1993). Computers meet classroom: Classroom wins. The Teachers College Record, 95(2), 185–210.
De Vore, P. W. (1992). Technological literacy and social purpose. Theory Into Practice, 31(1), 59–63.
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Drexler, W., Dawson, K., & Ferdig, R. E. (2007). Collaborative blogging as a means to develop elementary expository writing skills. Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education, 6, 140–160.
Ertmer, P. A. (2005). Teacher pedagogical beliefs: The final frontier in our quest for technology integration? Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 25–39.
Fried, C. B. (2008). In-class laptop use and its effects on student learning. Computers & Education, 50(3), 906–914.
Gee, J. P. (1989). Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics: Introduction. Journal of Education, 171(1), 5–17.
Gillis, A., Luthin, K., Parette, H. P., & Blum, C. (2012). Using VoiceThread to Create Meaningful Receptive and Expressive Learning Activities for Young Children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 40(4), 203–211.
Hasselbring, T. S., & Bausch, M. E. (2005). Assistive technologies for reading. Learning, 63(4).
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Kier, M. W., Blanchard, M. R., & Albert, J. L. (2014). Connecting students to stem careers. Science Scope, 37(6), 72.
Kirkpatrick, H., Peck, C., & Cuban, L. (2001). High Access and Low Use of Technologies in High School Classrooms: Explaining an Apparent Paradox. American Educational Research Journal, 38(4), 813–834.
Kraushaar, J. M., & Novak, D. C. (2010). Examining the affects of student multitasking with laptops during the lecture. Journal of Information Systems Education, 21(2), 241.
Kurz, T. L., Middleton, J. A., & Yanik, H. B. (2005). A Taxonomy of Technological Tools for Mathematics Instruction. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 5(2), 123–137.
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Lin, L., Robertson, T., & Lee, J. (2009). Reading Performances Between Novices and Experts in Different Media Multitasking Environments. Computers in the Schools, 26(3), 169.
Mehan, H. (1989). Microcomputers in Classrooms:  Educational Technology or Social Practice? Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 20(1), 4–22.
Mistler-Jackson, M., & Songer, N. B. (2000). Student motivation and internet technology: Are students empowered to learn science? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37(5), 459–479.
Mitra, S. (2003). Minimally invasive education: a progress report on the “hole‐in‐the‐wall” experiments. British Journal of Educational Technology, 34(3), 367–371.
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Ohler, J. (2006). The world of digital storytelling. Educational Leadership, 63(4), 44–47.
O’Reilly, M. (2015). The influence of emotions, attitudes and perceptions on learning with technology. Research in Learning Technology, 23.
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Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants Part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1–6.
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Ravizza, S. M., Uitvlugt, M. G., & Fenn, K. M. (2016). Logged In and Zoned Out. Psychological Science.
Resnick, M., & Rusk, N. (1999). The Computer Clubhouse: Technological Fluency in the Inner City. High Technology and Low-Income Communities: Prospects for the Positive Use of Advanced Information Technology.
Resnick, Mitchel. (1998). Technologies for lifelong kindergarten. Educational Technology Research and Development, 46(4), 43–55.
Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms. Corwin Press.
Roschelle, J., & Pea, R. (2002). A walk on the WILD side: How wireless handhelds may change computer-supported collaborative learning. International Journal of Cognition and Technology, 1(1), 145–168.
Roschelle, J., Penuel, W. R., & Abrahamson, L. (2004). The Networked Classroom. Educational Leadership, 61(5), 4.
Rose, D. H., Hasselbring, T. S., Stahl, S., & Zabala, J. (2005). Assistive technology and universal design for learning: Two sides of the same coin. Handbook of Special Education Technology Research and Practice, 507–518.
Scardarnalia, M., & Berieter, C. (1994). Computer Support for Knowlege-Building Communites. The Journal of Learning Sciences, Computer Support for Collaborative Learning, 3(3), 265–283.
Shively, C. T., & Yerrick, R. (2014). A case for examining pre-service teacher preparation for inquiry teaching science with technology. Research in Learning Technology, 22(0).
Songer, N. B., Lee, H. S., & Kam, R. (2002). Technology-rich inquiry science in urban classrooms: What are the barriers to inquiry pedagogy?*. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 39(2), 128–150.
Squire, K. D. (2003). Video games in education. Int. J. Intell. Games & Simulation, 2(1), 49–62.
Subrahmanyam, K., Kraut, R. E., Greenfield, P. M., & Gross, E. F. (2000). The impact of home computer use on children’s activities and development. The Future of Children, 123–144.
Subrahmanyam, Kaveri, Michikyan, M., Clemmons, C., & Carrillo, R. (2013). Learning from Paper, Learning from Screens: Impact of Screen Reading and Multitasking Conditions on Reading and Writing among College Students. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning (IJCBPL), 3(4), 1–27.
Swan, K., Van’T Hooft, M., Kratcoski, A., & Schenker, J. (2007). Ubiquitous computing and changing pedagogical possibilities: Representations, conceptualizations and uses of knowledge. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 36(4), 481–515.
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Yamamoto, K. (2007). Banning Laptops in the Classroom: Is it Worth the Hassles? Journal of Legal Education, 57(4), 477–520.
Yelland, N. (2007). Shift to the future: Rethinking learning with new technologies in education. CRC Press.
Yerrick, R., & Johnson, J. (2009). Meeting the Needs of Middle Grade Science Learners Through Pedagogical and Technological Intervention. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9, 3.
Zhao, Y., & Frank, K. A. (2003). Factors affecting technology uses in schools: An ecological perspective. American Educational Research Journal, 40(4), 807–840.

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