Friday, April 26, 2019

Formes d'énergie

Répondez à cette question en écrivant deux parties d'un argument scientifique en utilisant les amorceurs de phrase que j'ai fournis:

Quelle ampoule dégage plus de chaleur?

Indiquez votre affirmation: l'ampoule _____ dégage plus de chaleur

Soutenez l’allégation avec des preuves: sur la base des données, j’ai trouvé

Original English Directions

Hello, I am Pele and I want you to engage in a learning experience. Follow these steps:
  1. visit this web site [link] 
  2. tap systems 
  3. swap the faucet with the sun 
  4. swap the wheel with the solar panel 
  5. swap the beaker for the incandescent light 
  6. turn on energy symbols 
  7. observe the forms of energy coming out of the light bulb 
  8. now swap the incandescent light bulb with the compact fluorescent light bulb 
  9. observe the forms of energy coming out of the light bulb 
  10. Answer this question by writing two parts of a scientific argument using the sentence starters I have provided: 
  11. Which light bulb gives off more heat? 
    1.  State your claim: The _____ light bulb gives off more heat
    2. Support the claim with evidence: Based on the data, I found ...
  12. Post your scientific argument in the comment section of this blog post.  Thank you!


  1. Anonymous15:18

    The incandescent bulb gives off more heat. Based on the data, I found that this bulb has more heat coming from it.

  2. Quelle ampoule dégage plus de chaleur?
    Indiquez votre affirmation: l'ampoule avec lumière incandescente dégage plus de chaleur
    Soutenez l’allégation avec des preuves: sur la base des données, j’ai trouvé que de cette lumière, il sort d'énergie thérmique. La lumière fluorescente jette moin d'énergie thérmique.

  3. Anonymous15:22

    L'ampoule à incandescence dégage plus de chaleur, d'après les données, j'ai trouvé moins de chaleur provenant de l'ampoule fluorescente compacte.

    (The incandescent bulb gives off more heat, based on the data, I found less heat coming from the compact fluorescent bulb.)

  4. The incandescent bulb produces more thermic energy (heat). Based on the data and the simulation, I found that this bulb is less energy efficient if the goal is to illuminate.

  5. The incandescent light bulb gives off more heat. Based on the data I found the incandescent bulb needs to transform more electric energy into thermal energy in order to produce power.

  6. Anonymous15:22

    Quelle ampoule dégage plus de chaleur?
    Indiquez votre affirmation: l'ampoule INCANDESCENTE dégage plus de chaleur
    Soutenez l’allégation avec des preuves: sur la base des données, j’ai trouvé que il y a plus de paquets d'énergie thermique perdus
    dans l'ampoule incandescente

  7. L'ampoule à incandescence produit plus d'énergie thermique (chaleur). Sur la base des données et de la simulation, j’ai constaté que cette ampoule consomme moins d’énergie si son objectif est d’éclairer.

  8. Anonymous15:24

    The incandescent light bulb gives off more heat.
    Based on the data, I found that the energy from the solar panel is converted into electricity and then thermal energy as it powers the light bulb at a far greater rate than the fluorescent light bulb.

  9. Anonymous15:24

    The incandescent bulb gives off more heat. Based on the data when you clicked on the energy symbols, you could see that more heat was coming from the incandescent bulb when compared to the compact fluorescent bulb.

  10. Bárbara15:24

    L'ampoule incandescente dégage plus de chaleur. Sur la base des données, j’ai trouvé que la l'ampoule à incandescence transforme l'énergie électrique en énergie thermique et lumineuse.

  11. Anonymous15:24

    L'ampoule à incandescence libère plus de chaleur. Sur la base des données, j'ai trouvé que la lampe fluorescente n'accumulait pas une quantité de chaleur significative, telle qu'une lampe à incandescence.

  12. Anonymous15:24

    The incandescent bulb produces more heat. Based on the data I realized that this bulb releases more energy in less time.

  13. The incandescent bulb gives off more heat. Based on the data, I found that both incandescent and fluorescent lamps offer similar types of energy, but the incandescent bulb displays a greater discharge of thermic energy in comparison to its alternative.

  14. Anonymous15:25

    lámpoule avec lumière incandescente dégage plus de chaleur. Sur la base des données,
    sur la base des données, j'ai remarqué qu'il y avait plus de chaleur sortant de l'ampoule à incandescence

  15. Michelle Watkins15:25

    The incandescent bulb gives off more heat.

    The sun released “lumiere” (light) energy (yellow square), that was then absorbed by the solar panel, converting it to electric energy and left the incandescent bulb as either light or would build up and leave as heat.

    The fluorescent bulb did not build up heat and released ⅓ less.

  16. L´ampoule incandescence dégage plus de chaleur.
    Porque produz mais calor.

  17. Anonymous15:25

    The incandescent bulb gives off more heat. Based on the data I found that thermal energy builds up in the incandescent lamp, generating more heat.

  18. The incandescent bulb irradiates more thermal energy.
    Based on information observed, the incandescent bulb irradiates 2x more than the fluorescent one.

  19. L'ampoule à incandescence dégage plus de chaleur.
    Sur la base des données, j'ai trouvé que l'énergie du panneau solaire est convertie en électricité, puis en énergie thermique, car elle alimente l'ampoule à un rythme beaucoup plus rapide que l'ampoule fluorescente.


  20. Indicate your statement: the incandescent bulb releases more heat.

    The incandescent lamp turns the electric energy into thermal and luminous energy.

  21. Anonymous15:25

    The incandescent bulb gives more heat. based on the observation and data. The incadenscente light use more energy than the other type.

  22. Anonymous15:25

    Based on the experiment, the incandescnete lamp produces more heat and releases more energy.

  23. The incandescent light bulb (ILB) gave off more heat. I found that when I set up the first scenario and added a 30-second timer to the procedure, I could count the number of heat packets that were given off. I followed the same procedure for the second scenario. For the ILB (Incandescent light bulb), I found 12 heat packets escape in 30 seconds. For the compact fluorescent light bulb only 7 heat packets escaped.

    It was helpful to collect data.

  24. a) L'ampoule incandescente dégage plus de chaleur.
    b) Le luminaire à incandescence transforme l'énergie reçue (énergie électrique) en énergie thermique pour générer de la lumière. Au moment de la transformation, certaines particules de chaleur sont libérées avec la lumière.

  25. Anonymous15:27

    l'ampoule à incandescence dégage plus de chaleur
    Sur la base des données, j'ai trouvé que l'ampoule à incandescence consomme plus d'énergie et chauffe plus que l'ampoule fluorescente.

    The bulb incandescent gives off more heat
    Based on the data, I found that the incandescent bulb takes more energy and heats up more than the fluorescent bulb.

  26. Michelle Watkins15:27


    The incandescent bulb gives off more heat.

    Based on the observations I made, the sun released “lumiere” (light) energy (yellow square), that was then absorbed by the solar panel, converting it to electric energy and left the incandescent bulb as either light or would build up and leave as heat.

    The fluorescent bulb did not build up heat and released ⅓ less.

  27. The incandescent bulb releases more heat. Based on the data, I realized that the compact model definitively generates less heat, but on the other hand it is more efficient (illuminates better)

  28. The incandescent light bulb gives off more heat.

    Based on the data I found on combined with my previous knowledge (supported by, I know that CFL needs heat to begin lighting a space, but after a short time you can be assured it uses about 70% less than incandescent bulbs in the long run. This is mostly due to the fact that in the incandescent,electricity is predominately changed to heat while in CFL the electricity changes right to light (after the initial heat catalyst).

  29. Manu15:27

    The incandescent light bulb gives off more heat. Based on the data, I found that when powered by solar energy, the incandescent bulb releases more thermal energy than the compact fluorescent bulb.

  30. Anonymous15:28

    L'ampoule à incandescence dégage plus de chaleur D'après les données, j'ai découvert, selon le site Internet, que l'énergie entre par le panneau solaire et se réchauffe à l'intérieur de l'ampoule. L'énergie retourne dans l'atmosphère sous l'effet de la chaleur beaucoup plus que l'autre lumière fluorescente

  31. Anonymous15:28

    The incandescent bulb gives off more heat. Based on the data, I found that more heat was coming out of the incandescent bulb compared to the fluorescent bulb which gives more illumination.

  32. Teresa15:29

    The incadescent bulb liberates more energy and heat because it used more energy than than the fluorescent.

  33. Anonymous15:29

    Sur la base de la simulation, l'ampoule produit plus de chaleur que l'ampoule à incandescence.
