Saturday, April 28, 2018

Vitae for Christopher Shively

Christopher Thomas Shively, PhD
Assistant Professor
SUNY Buffalo State
Bacon 320B
1300 Elmwood Avenue

Buffalo, NY 14222
(716) 861-5057

University at Buffalo
Learning and Instruction
Degree Conferred, May 2013
Dissertation: “Information at Their Hands”: Applying Sociocultural Theory to an Analysis of the Pedagogical Moves of Pre-Service Science Teachers During a Science Lesson
Committee: Dr. Randy Yerrick (advisor), Dr. Mary McVee and Dr. Suzanne Miller
State University of New York at Buffalo State
Educational Computing
Degree Conferred, May 1999
State University of New York at Buffalo State
Elementary Education
Degree Conferred, August 1993


Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in STEAM Learning Environments
Rural Education
Native American Education
Undergraduate Research

Methods of Educational Research

Elementary Education

Permanent, New York State: Elementary Education








Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship, Mentor, Buffalo State College, the State University of New York.
Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship, Mentor, Buffalo State College, the State University of New York.
PDS Mini-Grant Award Recipient, Seeding a Living Lab and Constructing Indigenous Knowledge, Buffalo State College, the State University of New York.
Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship, Mentor, Buffalo State College, the State University of New York
PDS Mini-Grant Award Recipient, Sending Codes by Light, a Unit of Study, Buffalo State College, the State University of New York
Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship, Mentor, Buffalo State College, the State University of New York.
Emerging Scholar Award, Buffalo State College, the State University of New York.
S. David Farr Scholarship, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, Buffalo.
S. David Farr Scholarship, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, Buffalo.
2019 - Pres.
Associate Professor
Elementary Education, Literacy, and Educational Leadership
SUNY Buffalo State
2013 - Pres.
Assistant Professor
Elementary Education and Reading Department
SUNY Buffalo State
2009 - Pres.
Adjunct Professor
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo
2004 - 2012
Adjunct Professor
Elementary Education and Reading Department
SUNY Buffalo State
2010 - 2013
Third Grade Teacher
Alden Central School
2009 - 2013
Technology Consultant, Preparing Leaders to Work in the Digital Age Grant funded by the US Department of the Education. Office of Special Education Programs #HD325D100026. University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, Buffalo.
2000 - 2010
Technology Integration Specialist/Assistant Technology Director
Alden Central School
1999 - 2000
Third Grade Teacher
A.J. Schmidt Elementary School
Lake Shore Central Schools
Fourth Grade Teacher
A.J. Schmidt Elementary School
Lake Shore Central Schools
1994 - 1998
Third Grade Teacher
A.J. Schmidt Elementary School
Lake Shore Central Schools
1993 - 1994
Teacher’s Assistant
Stanley G. Falk School
Graduate Courses
EDU 513
EDU 530
EDU 535
EDU 594
EDU 609
EDU 612
EDU 671
EDU 672
EDU 690
LAI 529
LAI 532
LAI 573
Theory, Research and Practice in Literacy Instruction
Creative Teaching and Learning in Formal and Informal Settings
Teaching Writing B-12
Research Methods in Education
Literacy Instruction In The Upper Grades
Developing Literacy
Theory, Research, and Practice in Science Instruction
Advanced Educational Technology for K - 6 Classrooms
Masters Project
Computers (ICTs) in Early and Primary Education (UB)
Technology and STEM Teaching (UB)
Technology as a Social Practice (UB)
Undergraduate Courses
EDU 312
EDU 313
EDU 316
EDU 375
Teaching Science and Mathematics
Teaching Science in Early Childhood and Childhood Settings
Teaching Elementary School Mathematics
Integration of Technology in Education

2019 - Pres.
Board Member
West Seneca Teacher Center
2018 - Pres.
Professional Development in Math and ELA data analysis
A.J. Schmidt Elementary School, Lake Shore Central Schools, Angola, NY
Wilson Elementary School, Wilson, NY
Professional Development School Faculty Liaison
A.J. Schmidt Elementary School, Lake Shore Central Schools, Angola, NY
Houston Independent School District
Faculty Liaison
2018 (Su)
STEAM Workshop Presenter
He Dog School, Todd County School District, Parmelee, SD
Niagara Wheatfield Central School District
Workshop Instructor: Science Literacy
West Seneca Central School District
Workshop Instructor: Math Literacy
Workshop Instructor: Engineering and Design for Elementary Students
Workshop Instructor: PhET Interactive Simulations for Science and Math
I am College Bound Science Coordinator
Buffalo Public School #39, the Martin Luther King
Buffalo Public Schools # 45, the International School
2014 (Sp.)
Professional Development School Faculty Liaison
Buffalo Public School #39, the Martin Luther King
2013 (Fa.)
Professional Development School Faculty Liaison
Buffalo Public Schools # 45, the International School


Book Chapters
Shively, C. & Clark, J. (under contract). [Title of your chapter]. In del Prado Hill & Garas-York
(Eds.), The Impact of PDS in Challenging Times. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Bruce, D., Yerrick, R., Radosta, M., & Shively, C. (2015). Affordances of Digital Video Editing among Prospective English and Science Teachers. In E. Ortlieb, L. E. Shanahan, & M. B. McVee (Eds.), Video Research in Disciplinary Literacies (Vol. 6, pp. 41–57). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Journal Articles
Evans, B., & Shively, C. (2019). Using the Cornell Note-taking System Can Help Eighth Grade Students  Alleviate the Impact of Interruptions While Reading at Home. Journal of Inquiry and Action in Education, 10(1).
Shively, C., Banerjee, S., Mazur, N., & Zawicki, J. (2018). Intellectual Character: A Driving Force Behind the Effective Teaching of the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles Course. J. Comput. Sci. Coll., 33(6), 194–196.
Zawicki, J., Banerjee, S., Mazur, N., & Shively, C. (2018). Preparing Students for the First AP Computer Science Principles Exam: The Perspective of CS Teachers. J. Comput. Sci. Coll., 33(6), 200–202.
Shively, C. T., & Yerrick, R. (2014). A case for examining pre-service teacher preparation for inquiry teaching science with technology. Research in Learning Technology, 22(0). [Google Scholar number of citations = 7]
Professional Presentations
Shively, C., Banerjee, S., Mazur, N., & Zawicki, J. (2019). Don’T Forget About Us: Understanding Rural and Small Town Principals’ Values Toward Computer Science. Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1279–1279.
Shively, C.T. (July, 2018), Open Educational Resources (OER), 2018 Rural Engagement to Advance Learning in STEM Digitally Workshop, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Shively, C.T. (November, 2017). Sending a Code by Light Over a Distance, 2017 NYSCATE Annual Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C.T. (October, 2017). From Camp Counselor to Teacher: Revealing the Degrees of a Disposition, 18th Annual Faculty/Staff Research & Creativity Forum, SUNY Buffalo State.
Shively, C.T. (October, 2017). NGSS for Elementary School Teachers, Elementary Education Teacher Club, SUNY Buffalo State.
Shively, C.T. (October, 2016). Engineering Social Processes in a 5th Grade STEM Unit, 17th Annual Faculty/Staff Research & Creativity Forum, SUNY Buffalo State.
Shively, C.T., Brumagin, M. & Clark, J. (September, 2016). PDSF + (TCs+BSCP) = SL, 20th annual PDS Consortium Retreat, Amherst, NY.
Shively, C.T. (May, 2016). Charting the Path of Educating the Seneca Nation of Indians, Center for Development of Human Services, SUNY Buffalo State.
Shively, C.T. (August, 2015). The Wicked Problem of Being a 21st Century Leader. Spencerport Central School, Spencerport, NY.
Shively, C.T. (December, 2015). Math Literacy. West Seneca Central School Teacher Center, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C.T. (November, 2015). Engineering and Design for Elementary Students. West Seneca Central School Teacher Center, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C.T. (November, 2015). PhET Interactive Simulations for Science and Math. West Seneca Central School Teacher Center, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C.T. (March, 2015). Next Generation Science Standards: An Overview for 6 - 12 Principals. West Seneca Central School, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C.T. (March, 2015). Next Generation Science Standards: An Overview for K – 5 Principals. West Seneca Central School, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C.T. (February, 2015). Next Generation Science Standards: An Overview for 6 - 12 Science Teachers. West Seneca Central School, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C.T. (January, 2015). A Sociocultural Approach to Understanding What Haudenosaunee Students Think about the Value of School, Center for Development of Human Services, SUNY Buffalo State.
Shively, C.T. & Hoggard, S. (September, 2014). Does Actual Teaching Mirror the Task 4 Requirement of the edTPA Assessment?, 20th annual PDS Consortium Retreat, Amherst, NY.
Shively, C.T., Murphy, J., Beller, K., Galvin, N. (September, 2014). “Hands-on” Investigations Are Not Enough, 20th annual PDS Consortium Retreat, Amherst, NY.
Henry, D, & Shively, C.T. (July, 2014). Using PhET Simulations to Enhance Science Inquiry with Elementary Students, AAPT Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Shively, C.T., Weber, S., Zhang, J. & Hunter, J. (April, 2014). How Teacher Preparation Is Being Transformed by Digital Technologies at an Urban Comprehensive College, AERA Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 

Shively, C.T. & Turley, A. (April, 2014). I am College Bound, Buffalo Public Schools and Buffalo State Science Week, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY. 

Shively, C.T. (October, 2013). Acting Like a Scientist - Using Video to Generate Questions, Faculty and Staff Research and Creativity Fall Forum, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY.
Shively, C.T. (October, 2013). Taking the Next Step - What Should Happen after My Students Collect Science Data, Emerging Scholar Series, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY.
Shively, C.T., Weber, S. & Zhang, J. (September, 2013) Transforming Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Technology, PDS Retreat, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY.
Shively, C. T. (September, 2011). The Writing Process with Wikis. Professional Development School (PDS) Consortium, East Amherst, NY.
Shively, C. T. (November, 2011). Writing with Wikis. Preparing Future Ready Kids: Let them Soar!, NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C. T., & Wilson. S. (September 2010). A Digital Home: Your Classroom on the Web. Professional Development School (PDS) Consortium, East Amherst, NY.
Shively, C. T. (November, 2010). The Digital Classroom. Discovering Your Digital Destination, NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C. T. (November, 2009). Teach Research Skills with Firefox. Making Connections, Opportunities Through Collaboration, NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C. T. (November, 2009). Teach Research Skills with Firefox. Making Connections, Opportunities Through Collaboration, NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C. T. (November, 2009). 25 Common Ways to Integrate Technology. Making Connections, Opportunities Through Collaboration, NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C. T. (November, 2009). The Project, a Delicious way to Collaborate. Making Connections, Opportunities Through Collaboration, NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C. T. (November, 2009). Google Presentations: A Flexible Tool for Collaboration and Sharing. Making Connections, Opportunities Through Collaboration, NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY
Shively, C. T. (June, 2009). Formatively Assess with Web 2.0 Tools. Technology Leaders for the 21st Century (TL21), BOCES, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C. T. (April, 2009). Teach Students how to Research with Firefox. 4th Annual Ride the Digital Wave Conference, BOCES, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C. T. (April, 2009). 25 Common Lessons Presented with Technology. 4th Annual Ride the Digital Wave Conference, BOCES, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C. T. (April, 2009). Teach Students how to Research with Firefox. 4th Annual Ride the Digital Wave Conference, BOCES, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C. T. (May, 2008). Teach CRQs and DBQs with Blogs & Message Boards. Technology Leaders for the 21st Century Conference, NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C. T. (November, 2008). The Project, a Delicious way to Collaborate. Discovering Your Digital Destination, NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C. T. (November, 2008). Formatively Assess with a Blog!. Discovering Your Digital Destination, NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C. T. (May, 2008). Panelist for 21st Century Conference. Technology Leaders for the 21st Century Conference, BOCES, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C. T. (May, 2008). Technology for School Leaders. Technology Leaders for the 21st Century Conference, BOCES, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C. T. (April, 2008). Prescribing Solutions to Literacy Challenges. “Wave 2.0.! Quest for 21st Century Skills”, 4th annual Ride the Digital Wave Conference, BOCES, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C. T. (April, 2008). Firefox, The Instructional Platform. “Wave 2.0! Quest for 21st Century Skills” 4th annual Ride the Digital Wave Conference, BOCES, West Seneca, NY.
Shively, C. T. (November, 2007). Technology and the School Leader. NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C. T. (November, 2007). Solutions for Literacy Challenges. NYSCATE Conference, Rochester, NY.
Shively, C. T. (March, 2007). Collaborating with Message Boards. Technology Integrator Forum Presenter. Erie 1 BOCES, West Seneca, NY.
Professional Organization Memberships and Committee Work
National Science Teachers Association
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education
Conference Committee (2009)
University Level
2018 Commencement Volunteer
Co-Planner for the 2018 Computer Science for All in Western New York Principal’s Summit
Judge for the 2018 Computer Science for High School Student Showcase and Competition
College Senator
Academic Planning Council Committee Member
Critical Thinking Oversight and Assessment Committee Member
Center for Excellence in Urban and Rural Education Committee Member
College Senate Curriculum Committee Member
School Level
Co-planner for Service Learning Visit to the Rosebud Reservation with Dr. Darryl Tonemah
Interviewer for the 2018 New York State Elementary School Master Teacher Program
Co-hosted “Hour of Code” for grades 3 - 5  at A.J. Schmidt Elementary School students with undergraduate student, Katlin Smith
At-Large, Elected Representative for the Teacher Education Council
Liaison for Houston Independent School District (HISD) and Buffalo State College
Special and General Education Dual Certification Program Revision Committee Member
Co-coordinator for the I am College Bound (IaCB) Program
Volunteer for the 2014 Buffalo Public School/Buffalo State Science Week
Department Level
Curriculum Committee Member
Volunteer for 2015 SUNY Buffalo State Orientation for First-year Students

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